the abyss是哪部电影的歌?

2周前 (06-23 22:29)阅读2回复1
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What makes you feel like falling into an infinite abyss at night? @3妻儿十一 Sometimes, I find myself feeling like falling into an infinite abyss when I'm about to fall asleep. This actually happens because my body is extremely tired. My mind, on the other hand, is still very excited. The reason for this is that my body is so exhausted that it doesn't want to move. However, my mind is not exhausted! It's still very excited, so it can easily dream and make random connections with things. And during dreams, you might also have a vivid dream or suddenly jump legs, even if it's a bit blurred. Also, you might often wake up due to sudden movement. In order to avoid these things, try to stay calm and rest. Make sure to take regular exercise and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Keep a positive outlook towards the future!

The causes of this phenomenon include:

1、Your body is already extremely tired.

2、You're still very excited.

3、Because your body is too exhausted, you don't want to move.

4、However, your mind is not exhausted! It's still very excited, so it can easily dream and make random connections with things.

5、Every person has the habit of slightly moving their bodies when they go to sleep.

6、When you encounter what you "see" or "feel", the problem comes out. Your mind wants your body to move, but your body is too tired to move. As a result, your mind and body become separated, resulting in hallucinations, and more.

The occurrence time is usually during sleep and before you are fully aware of it.

How to deal with it?

If you don't want to encounter the item you "see" or "feel", slowly get better; (Handling ways搞笑版: you dare to touch it, I'll enjoy it :): )

4、You should try to avoid putting your hands or feet directly on your chest or legs while sleeping.

5、Try to avoid putting your hands or feet on your chest or legs while sleeping.

6、When you sleep, try to control your hands and feet, you can try to establish a good habit while sleeping.

Note: To avoid the "falling into an infinite abyss" sensation, do not overwork yourself. Take regular exercise. Take a warm bath before going to bed if necessary. If a hot bath is difficult, you can try bubble feet instead. Try to keep your hands and feet warm while sleeping. And try to "control" your hands and feet. You can try to establish a good habit while sleeping.


the abyss是哪部电影的歌? 相关回复(1)

2天前 (07-03 01:19)回复00
这部电影让人陷入无尽的黑暗和深渊,充满了恐怖与绝望,虽然场景只有一个房间和一个演员的表演探索生死的问题但电影的震撼效果不容小觑 。
2天前 (07-03 01:20)回复00

