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影片《养母三人》(Three Mothers)是一个动人心弦的故事,而其中的三个母亲更是让人感动不已。这三个母亲分别来自不同的背景和族裔,但他们却因为同一件事而聚在了一起:他们都是被社会遗弃或无法抚养亲生子女的孩子的养母。影片不仅描绘了他们母爱的真挚和无私,也展现了人性的温度和有趣的生活故事。







Three Mothers: A Heartfelt Story That Explores the Warmth of Human Nature

The film, Three Mothers, is a poignant story that tells the tale of three mothers from different cultures and backgrounds who have come together because of one common thread: they are all foster mothers to children who were abandoned by society or could not be raised by their biological parents. The film not only portrays their love for these children as being genuine and selfless, but it also exhibits the warmth of human nature and their interesting life stories.

The first mother is Tang Shumin, who hails from mainland China. She works in an orphanage and, along with her husband, has adopted nine boys. Tang's endearing quality is her motherly tenderness. She walks up to the children, gives them kisses and hugs, and makes them feel loved. Through Tang Shumin's deeds, the film showcases her love for the children as well as her family, work, and educational philosophy.

The second mother is Clara Ruiz, who comes from El Salvador. She works in a daycare center and saves a little girl who was abandoned and left to die in a garbage dump. This little girl was covered in worms and wounds, and she was not able to fight back. But Clara not only manages to save her from the brink of death but also takes her home to raise her. Clara's relationship with the little girl is noteworthy because she left a small urinal in her room, so the girl could use it at night.

The third mother is Breda Carrowcutt, who comes from the USA. She works in an orphanage in South Sudan, creates her own retirement home, and adopts four Asian boys. Breda is both a volunteer and a "supermom." She tries to make the children feel the silent love that surrounds them. In the film, she and the children fetch water together, cook together, and jostle together, forming a warm family atmosphere.

This film is emotionally sincere and touching, showing the truth that motherly love is ubiquitous. Whether it is Tang Shumin, Clara Ruiz, or Breda Carrowcutt, they have all devoted their lives entirely to the children, which is remarkable. This fantastic story not only makes you feel the warmth of love and human life but also displays the meaning and value of life.

Motherly love, warmth, life, human nature, film

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